Saturday 26 May 2012

Destination 3: KUCHING, SARAWAK

For those who CATS so much~

KUCHING, Sarawak is the place you CAN’T MISS OUT!!!

ܤ Picture 1: The symbol of Kuching. Its clothes will change based on the festival ܤ

Kuching also known as “cat city”, is the capital and most populous city of the East Malaysian state of Sarawak. When talking about Kuching, people will think about Cat in their mind. This is because Kuching has the same tune with the cat in Malay language, "kucing". There are many attractive places in Kuching that you can visit.

ܤ Picture 2: Kuching Waterfront ܤ

ܤ Picture 3: Kuching Waterfront in the evening ܤ

ܤ Picture 4: Night view at Waterfront ܤ

Kuching Waterfront is a destination where you can’t miss out!!!  It is in the town of Kuching. You can see many tourists holding a camera to capture the nice scenery. The day and night view in Kuching is totally different. There have many stall around the waterfront.

ܤ Picture 5: Sarawak River Cruise ܤ

At waterfront, there have Sarawak River Cruise which will bring you to look around the Sarawak River at 5:30p.m. to 7:00p.m every day. The fee charge is different for Malaysian and non-Malaysian. Food and drink are provided on the cruise.

ܤ Picture 6: Orchid Garden ܤ

Besides that, you can also take a sampan at waterfront to another side where there has a big Orchid Garden. It is free to entrance. There have different kind of orchid. It is suitable for those who love orchid. Beside the orchid garden, there have a shop that famous with selling the best kek lapis Sarawakin Kuching.

For those young people who like to shopping, there have many shopping malls in Kuching.  There have also many shopping malls and two cinemas around the waterfront.

ܤ Picture 7: Kuching Court ܤ

Opposite the waterfront is the Kuching Court. Many people chose to take their wedding album at here.

ܤ Picture 8: India Street ܤ

By walking around 10 minutes from waterfront, you will come to a street, named India Street. You can buy a lot of souvenir at here. The India Street has a long pedestrian walkway with a variety of shops selling traditional colourful textiles, clothing, apparels and goldsmiths.

At the north side of Kuching, there have few destinations that attract many tourists.
There have many beaches,such as Damai Resort, Permai Resort, Santubong Resort, and the most beautiful and luxury one is Damai Puri Resort.

ܤ Picture 9: Damai Puri Resort ܤ

ܤ Picture 10: Sarawak Culture Village ܤ

Sarawak Culture Village is one of the places you must visit. It is situated at the foot of Mount Santubong. Entrance fee will be charge. You can find houses built by the different people of Sarawak - Orang Ulu, Bidayauh, Iban and Melanau - as well as Chinese and Malay houses, and knowing the culture of every race. It is also the location of the famous Rainforest World Music Festival every July.

ܤ Picture 11: Entrance of Cat Museum, Kuching ܤ

Cat Museum is the famous place for the cat lover. Entrance fee will be charge at here. There are 2000 exhibits, artifacts, statues about cats from all over the world.

For sure, you must not miss out the food in Kuching. There are many delicious foods that you must try, such as:

ü  Kueh Chap (non-halal)
ü  Tomato Mee (non-halal)
ü  Kolo Mee (non-halal)
ü  Sotong Kangkong (halal)

ܤ Picture 12: Biling (halal) ܤ

ܤ Picture 13: Laksa Sarawak(halal) ܤ

ܤ Picture 14: Belacan Bee Hun (halal) ܤ

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